Trying to figure out some growls and wubs for my track Time Stopper. :/

Comp Info:

Make the best growl/wub you can. I will determine which sounds best and would fit the track Time Stopper. Competition will end Dec 31, 2016 ET. The winner will be added to help with the track!

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  • I'm extending the comp till the end of January

  • I might just join for fun lol

  • i'll see if i can remix this! :)

  • Republished

    added attack

  • I would appreciate some ideas and feedback! I would love to see some examples that I can use for my Time Stopper track. This is just to see what growl or wub would be best. PSSSST: I'm making this a competition! Let's see who can make the best wub/growl for my track

    Time Stopper :)

  • pretty nice, so far.



  • Maybe something a little less intense for Time Stopper XD

  • Republished

    added attack