as you can tell, i Mario-ified the song, so feedback, favourites, comments, follow me and post on my wall any othe songs i should 'Mariostyle'
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0 thanks ;)
0 This is accually rly sweet, good job sir!
0 @okayyy i'm terrible at making the synths, but i have loads of ideas what to make out of some sounds you've made, and i think a collab would be a good idea. you up for it?
0 Try to mariofy your own song as in making your own :) its fun lol
0 oh how true that is! any suggestions for songs i should Mario-ify? don't say grimebot, i tried, i failed and i gave up
0 I know, focusing on music now, cause thats the reason why we're all here
0 oh cool. just ignore trill. he's attention seeking
0 Nope, still working on intro. Probably in a week, been busy with this Trill-Pix mess, but now I don't even care anymore.
0 any ideas when it'll be up?
0 np and thx :)
0 oh yeah it worked! thanks dude! and i'm looking forward to it!
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0 You copy the URL link and then paste it, it shows as a name. Yeah, I'm working on a new dub track :p
0 sorry bout that i was tryin to work out how to put links to songs. how do you do it?