Fantastic atmosphere here, really warm and tranquil :)

Random & Gate.
Using the random LFO of the Pulv and the Gate pedal, it's possible to achieve probability notes (they're not always guaranteed to play).
Everything in this track except the bass uses this technique.
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1 -
0 oh wow...great stuff...very well produced...u made big progress since latest times i was here ! :)
0 Republished
bassboost(once again)
0 Thx guys
0 super atmospheric, this really takes me away
0 want to remix when i have time
0 hell yeah, missed this one. smoothest dubby chords
0 huh didn't know you could do that with the pulv
0 Republished
0 Rar
1 nice, did u burn ur record player, cuz i hear fire crackle
0 thxm8
0 This is pretty cool
0 hey thanks! Yes, It is my further works from Mess
1 i really like this track actually, cool stuff.