is this phonk? where do i publish phonk? help !!
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0 yo can u let me remix this. I want more chaos
2 This is a certified hood classic
3 This isn't just a cowbell anymore
This is a whole cattle herd
1 Ayyyy audiotool needs some more of that solid PHONK.
1 that bass is just SLIGHTLY overdriven, dontcha think? XD
1 Holy cow this is really good phonk
For now i've listened only phonk attempts made by trap kids so it's a real pleasure to listen to yours
1 In my mind phonk=meme
Even though I know that's not true at all
But if I try it
It will prob be a meme
No matter how hard I try not to make it so
0 yo can i remix this
1 Ur fucking back yess
Smexy smolderous smart sexy son of someone hot bitch from Sweden who is also a manling
2 Cool stuff :~)
1 Nais.