Lmao, thanks(;
Originally titled "Drunk Spies ;) (For Tyburn<3)"
For you. Only for you. Lmfao. And to the lack of red-light districts in your area. And to those who wake up gay (; <3
Lol, Ilove you :3 You're so so strange xD
-041812 (My Birfday!)
Today: 12/17/12
Listening to Winning by Charlie Sheen (Autotune song by the Gregory Brothers) and thought of this song and edited a couple bits of it. <3
I think this is one of my best songs, despite the fact that I just kinda changed Tyburn's original <3
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0 -
0 kool and funny name hehe awesome track :)
0 gahhhhh, u already did -.- Why would you do that?? :'(
0 Lol, i forbid you!!! , you can't do that!!
0 Thankyou very much. Now sober though, I'm going to delete the original.
0 Thanks!! Most credit goes to Tyburn tho, except for the beginning melody and stuff (that's mine) :) <3
0 cool