
Hey Audiotooler !
You are here on the short version of this dubstep track. I will master it and make it longer soon so look forward !
I think I spent about 12 hours of work for those 1:43 minutes of ( progressive ? ) dubstep :)
Well, I hope you will enjoy,
( favorites, comments, advices are always welcome if you see what I mean :D )
EDIT : mastered : I lowed the kick reverb, the track is now longer and I changed the pulv sound to make him not so much bassy that before. enjoy :)
EDIT : Now ... The melody is available !!! ( the melody absence was caused by a mastering error, sorry ;) )
The track is now longer.
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0 awww yeaaa ;D
0 Woops ! :x just realized that the melody totally disappeared :O !
I will correct it as fast as i can ;)
Look forward ;D
0 thanks darkmickey :)
0 good track mate
0 thank you Ryan :)
0 cool :)
0 Ok @Narkophobia je vais voir ca :) je devrai la masteriser cette semaine et faire aussi plus ressortir les mediums ;)
0 pas mal, y'a juste un petit truc que j'aime pas trop, c'est qu'il y a un petit peu trop d'écho sur ton kick, mais bon c'est qu'un avis =) y'en a qui aiment !
0 Thank you GGS :)
0 this is epic!
0 Pas de problème :)
0 cool ! derien si tu veux tu peux en faire de même :)
0 Soon :) thank you for the fav ;)
0 finish it def :)