What kind of computer do have... jesus! and btw this rly dope

Why does everything feel wrong
like everything's long gone
and the world has just flew past me
I don't wanna catch up up, this hill's too steep
i'm tired and i just want to sleep
and dream of the memories that i keep
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0 -
0 guitar in the last section is so nice dude
0 mfw the waveform looks like a dildo
but for real this is pretty great work. a touch heavy on the low end but the composition is awesome
0 Hooooomg deadmau5 is that you
0 HOLY CRAP THAT A LOT OF SYNTHS YO But iḿ loving the sound and tune of this like it *goes to sleep*
0 great job man loving this tune
0 Lowkey, you feel like an Adventure Club type artist
0 this is AMAZING
0 this is smooth
0 fuck me in the ass, this is a masterpiece!
1 this is so nice
2 this is fucking beautiful.
2 yo this is so underrated
0 jesus fucking christ the song is beautiful and incredible. but I had a heart attack when I saw that picture damn
0 Damn.. wtf how much time did you spend on this? It was worth it! I want this track how can I obtain this track dude!