The title goes well with the track, it represents somebody that has a dream.

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1 -
0 Seems a little offbeat. Still good though.
0 At the end nothing....... sorry :(
1 I got an invitation to it too. What are we gonna do with it?
1 this is like a burial track!! cool track man, keep the good work up:)
2 Just found the invitation you sent me for this song... Dang it...
1 See you got the image I got when I made Enternal Love! Did you set this as the image or did it appear randomly?
1 okk thankss!!
1 yea just read the messages below....sadly someone deleted everything...I told him not to do this again -.-
0 yess i did the original song;)
1 :O who did this
1 dude you invite me to track
1 i accepted the invite...
0 because whe i open this song is diferent, someone have change it!
1 why?