Here's an idea I'll make a song out of...Just wanted to see what you guys think.

BTW: What genre do you think this is?

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  • you put together some really good tracks

  • Thanks dude, be my guest!

  • Thinking of remix atm..

  • Nice!

  • Nice add-on

  • Thanks!

  • Very nice, I like the melody. I believe you have potential for music making, my friend :)

  • Yes, the headphones did help!

    LOL I know what bestbuy is

  • And If you don't know what bestbuy is, It's an electronics store. If you don't have one near you, any store will work just fine...hopefully

  • Did the headphones help? Try getting some at like bestbuy or something. They usually have okayish pairs for about 5-10$


    I put a few chords in the melody, check it out!

  • That's a good idea. The only headphones I really have are the crappy ones you get on the airplane, but they still might help.

  • and for being able to hear the bass, I recommend you put on some headphones. I have crappy computer speakers too, but headphones make it so you can hear a LOT better. Any ones will do. for me, I just use the apple headphones that come free with an ipod or iphone, but anything works.