Bruh that description tho..

Dosent matter what your going trough in Life just keep your head up Dont look back Keep your head up and have Faith in Philipians 4;13 says i can do everything trough Chiost who strengths me that means that nothing is impossible the Devil will try to destroy you and make you look back and if the enemy is trying to make u look back thats good because that means you are walking foward and he dosent want that Dont look back have Faith in God he shall protect you He shall give you strength Seek Him first and everything else shall be added dont look back. dont give the enemy what he wants. fight the battle God will help you trough for our battles arent against blood and flesh for they are against the Evil forces in the air against the enemy. Get on your knees and pray and call upon God and he shal answer. but He will answer not at your time but at his time because God is never late and He is never early God is right on time the perfect time...His time. for you fight your greates battle when you are on your knees.. for me and my house we shall serve the Lord... Dont look back God will and has made you a new Person fo the Devil is a Lier.... Trust in the Lord and have Faith keep your head up get and your knees and never look back..... Dont Look Back
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