No where near fiished. Just want to hear it for now

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  • Love it. The complexity is mind boggling. I feel ..... like I need this song. It tastes superb in my ears. Like an explosion of fantastical emotions tingling my neurons. I find myself drawn to the small gray box next to the word "favorite". Oh, that's what a favorite looks like. This song people.

  • "While the song is interesting to a synth nerd like myself, the average listener will probably be bored and not stick around for the nuance." - OUCH....but good review overall. Just hard to take criticism.

  • Great track! Wish i could download so i could maybe use it in a mix later.

  • Ah cool.

  • I thought I'd faved at least three of your tracks before. In fact I'm sure I did - there's even comments from me on them. I think the UK server might act up from time to time and not register faves or something.

  • ? what?

  • Ok something odd is going on....

  • Not chill nor downtempo, but I want it on my collection!

  • oh yeah! i love the bass's intros. I love the filters, the 2 notes basses, the basic drums and the FX's, so i love this track!

  • Great, this is perfect as is, we kneel at your AT alter

  • Really good. Always is good...

  • Good stuff, G1m8:) !

  • refav