I feel like this is something that would play on like a sewer/underwater level in a game
Created 3/28/18
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0 Hey I would like to rap over this beat. Email: justinxotwod @GMAIL .com
0 -the wobbles in the intro are really cinematic also those reverb clucks and low picthes are really good
- those drums are really fucking awsome
- i like the atmosphere here
- clean track, most likely a track that i woul happily breathe in
- those clucks really flow with your drum loops fuckin awsome
- oooooyeah 1:20 gives me that smooth wind into my face hmmmm very impressive
- i can also sense the vibes on this music , its like its been chopped maybe because of how hard the kick is
0 Damn this is the mosy crit ive ever had on a track
0 Sublime, very good production
Only crits: could be louder, and the ending was super abrupt but very very good otherwise
2 sounds like something you could use for a vlog