you wont believe what i caught my phone doing the other day...lets just say...its cover was off and it was on the internet..haha i dint knowwhat to think at first but this is really cool...

Part 1 of the Decker trio.
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0 Rob androids def do :) they are smart phones :) hehe
0 Cool robert ! this track makes travel
0 Cool robert ! this track makes travel
0 another top 1040ez track - love it !!
0 you and soundjamboree are cutting edge
0 bringing back story telling radio, pictures in the mind painted by robert1040ez, good one
0 .. lol, looked at the title and knew it was a fav!! ^_^
0 Excellent book and my favourite film, automatic fave for that, helps that it's a goood track too!
0 thanks guys
0 Dang! Only part one?! This is going to be EPIC! :)
0 and robert you don't deserve a few favorites. you deserve a lot.
0 @narkophobia do you know what badass means??
0 wow badass !!!