this isn't bad so far

I want vocals for this but so far I can't find any.


pretty decent for 34 hour's work I'd say (this was worked on for abt 6 weeks now)

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  • holy cow forgot how good this was :(

    when I used to be god lvl be like XD

    • because simply said, I'm still a noob :3


    • 1. correction 7 months

      2. why dont finish anything???????!!!

    • NONONO U ARE 100% CORRECT!!!!

    2 more
  • epikness

  • 🔥🔥🔥

  • Ur music never gets old

    • awww, thanks!

      that made my day bro!!! :DDDD

      Glad u like my stuff that much XD

  • Damn, this is pretty good my dude

  • damn..... o O o teach me your ways master revolight (busy :( )

    • lol XD, I'm no master, me noob who likes apple juice! :D

      But thanks, and if u ever want me to teach u, I'm always up for it, just say it on my wall and inv me! :DDD

  • Dam this is literally Fire... ;D

    I can't tell you anything other than keep working on this! Don't. Give. Up.

    • Np best fren~!!!

    • lol thx! :)

      And ok, thanks so much for your inspirational words my friend!!! :DDD

  • Republished

    lagging too much

    but I got some drop ideas down :)

  • sooo, you need vocals?

    • haha k ;)

    • I have no specific lyrics tbh lol

      so if u wanna do something, just make sure there is the word "fire" in it XD :)

    • can you give me lyrics?

    1 more
  • This sounds interesting. Waiting for continue! :D

  • when the when is yes when

  • the stereo is sexy

    6 more
  • Why da hell does your recent songs sound like Tobu or Itro or Elektronomia???

    Fr tho this is good... Pls finish the song this time lol...

    • That first reply is literally the same for me too lmao...

      I can easily tell if it's one of their songs...

      (Especially since their songs are in most tutorials lmao)

    • and thx!

      I'll try lol

    • XDDDD

      cuz I listen to them too much, and they have been my childhood idols for music since I was 8 years old (WAIT DAM 6 YEARS AGO?????)

      time passes too fast bro I swear

  • Oooh! this sounds really cool, I can't wait to see what you do with it 😁