mixing even more genres
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0 @ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ All of my yes.
1 try electro and vaporwave XD
1 It's like Glitch Mob had some weird quicky with Tristam. And it came out as a lovely :24 second porno.
11 i cant fucking believe lux is leaving for 3 years !!!! :'(
0 epic.
0 like the mastering
0 Hey, you can go ahead and make your edits, I'll just republish it
0 Finished the track! GREAT JOB! Cybernetics(Collab with Luxior)
0 nice stuff, glitch at 170
2 I don't know why but I was expecting this to suck. Possibly because I was reading a message from Rysco at the same time or something? Either way, great track, now finish it
3 House + Dubstep = Housestep?
I've never made jungle before XD
Trap + Electro = basically most of my chill trap
8 Hmm... What's next? House and dubstep? Jungle and 2 step garage? Trap and electro ? I'm just throwing ideas here.
11 gake and fay