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I'm really liking this so far. Fantastic work!
brigde found. now it's ready for vocals and guitar :D
Oooohhh okay my bad, didn't realize it wasn't finished yet :P And I would say guitar should be in melody. Just my preference though :P
Also yes the changes you made are great! Love it! :D
u r right i made a mistake at the little bass drops. is it better now?
what ending? it isn't done yet. i'll jam over with guitar. definition in melodie or in tone? thanks for ur opinion
Yeah I see what your saying about playing over it. I think this is pretty awesome though! The actual melody of the song does seem to lack a little definition, but I know from experience that may not be the easiest thing to fix. The ending also seems kind of abrupt. Nevertheless this is an awesome song! It's better than I've been able to do that's for sure! :P
thanks. as sick as it is it's damn hard to play over that. but i'll give it another try
That's a pretty sick drum beat :) Nicely done