I think it's about time I finish this fucking thing
I'll finish it later lol
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0 -
0 refave
0 wo
0 Republished
extended once again
0 Wow this is really good man! Good beat
0 Republished
0 DoNatsBreathe Preview Thing
0 I'm honestly addicted to listening to this lmao
0 I just realized I made this clip with my headphone volume on max, no wonder everything is so quiet and the waveforms are so short
0 Ooh shit this was played in rabb, listening though headphones this is sick man
0 I dig this
0 Should I name this Balls To The Wall?
0 Republished
0 pretty good dude! keep it up! only suggestion is that the intro is too long, make some variation or just shorten it.
0 You've piqued my interest. Where's the rest? XD