Shitpost beat

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  • litteraly how did u put an emoji as the title

  • why are there -1 co-authors?

    • must be bugged

    • yh legit no one joined this lmao

    • its a glitch i think... it sometimes happens on my tracks.

    1 more
  • I wanted to flip Saviour for a while now

    This is realll nice

  • hidden?

  • cool

  • you can do emojis for track covers? cool! and i think the umbrella matches the vibe perfectly in the beginning because when i think of umbrellas, i think of relaxing rain and sitting with my cat listening to old records. i just love this. this is amazing

  • Good vibes! I really like the chill part in the beginning of the song. I think that's the best part in my opinion.