-Gravi's Thought's: I went all out on this one to make up for my lack of effort on the last track. DnB's always been a fun genre for me to work on and this time I managed to throw in some Glitch-Hop elements as well. Really liked how this one turned out. Hope You Enjoy! ^-^



-Chapter 9: "Divine Child"

If you had tried to tell me that I was anything but a freak when I was a younger, I would've just read your mind and known you were lying to me as some sort of sick joke. I kinda stopped trusting what people said to me when I was around 10 years-old. I could hear the disgusting truth in people's head, despite what they may have been saying out loud. Going through something like that (along with all the other shit I had to deal with) for so long at a young age opens your eyes up to a really terrible part of the world. However, when I knew my Father wasn't lying to me when he told me I wasn't a monster...and I didn't even have to read his mind. I know no father should ever see there kid that way in the first place, but besides that there was just something so sincere about him when he said it. I knew I could trust him...but just what did he mean when he said Aiden and I have to "Realize Our Destiny"?


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  • …Im not Rysco, either ._.

  • @Gravidon you don't have to be Rick Astley to be dumb my friend

  • @Zerod But I'm not Rick Astley, tho...

  • rekt'd

  • This is going down in AT history as the dumbest comment ever.

  • "Gravi, why don't you just make synths from scratch?"

    I do...Just not that often. And the results are usually kinda shitty.

    "Why do you use the same loops?"

    …Because I want to. :3

    "Why don't you ever change your genres?"

    Why don't Rappers make Bluegrass?

  • There's also the potential ways I can combine my presets to get different results. I have 6 different types of pads, 2 SubBasses, 9 BASSES, 4 Arps, 3 Different Uses of Violins, 10+ Random Synths, and 1 Cat-Meow Synth just to name a few of them. I'll let y'all do the math for the amount of sound combos I can/have yet to make...

  • Might as well tackle this now since y'all brought it up. Whenever I start a draft, regardless of the genre, I use my presets as the base foundation of the overall sound design. However, that doesn't mean every track has the exact same sounds. I've been CONSTANTLY editing the parameters of my presets after I apply them in every track for the last year to SPECIFICALLY prevent the repetition of sound design. But wait, there's more!

  • The only thing that's EXACTLY the same is the Piano. But those are loops that I make in a separate draft.

  • Literally no -__-

  • Not just you

  • VVV