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  • Thanks :D

  • Sounds great, the Melo is very nice and depressiv, sometimes a litte bit too Loud and to high Frequenzies but....i like this Track really.....greetz

  • supah track

  • thank you simplex, for spending alot of time listening to my tracks and checking out my profile.. means alot man!

  • :) great track i had to listen again

  • i really really like this has a deep inner feeling this is amazing!!! and the drums are great also you need more favs.... you deserve a standing O everything in this track has a moment where it shines :)

  • thank you toast, appreciate it.. and i probably will do another beat like this, i spent a lot more time than usual in the percussion for this track.

  • you should do another like this that beat is sick!

  • Very nice feel on this man, sounds really good bro, this is your best yet!

  • thnks john, and thats exactly what i did.. if anyone wanted to know more about me and the way i feel, they would have to listen to something like this..

  • BTF

  • wow. This is so amazing. Beautifully done and I can really tell you put a part of your soul in this.

  • I love the barely restrained madness that occurs beginning around 2:50 .