Original by Sandburgen.

It's too heavy for my computer so I don't know if there will be any troubles after publishing this (for example, too high level). I had to turn some tracks off in order to be able to listen to the sound in real time :)

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  • Thanks :)

  • Nice one dump ;)!

  • Cool remix.

  • Hey man i am brand new to audiotool and i just made my first dubstep track with no samples and its called Nightfall i would love if you checked it out. (:

  • ahh ok. I was just wandering why you took this one :)

    cheers mate

  • But I must admit, I move on to the remixing in two cases: when I'm satisfied enough with my own stuff and when I'm not satisfied with it at all for a long time :)

  • @Snadbrugen , I was away from AT recently and wasn't aware of what's happening. I went here from email notification that AT sent me, listened to your track and somehow decided it would be nice to remix it :) I usually try not to make remixes and when it happens it's spontaneous - just a matter of my mood. May be I'll try to remix your stuff again, if my fortune will decide so :)

  • Wow, thank you, guys :)

  • Amazing track m8!

  • why don't you try a remix of one of the four tracks I announced?

  • nice remix man....and i know that feeling (too heavy for my pc) ;)

  • wow cool. I really like it. Thanks man!