I think electro is my new favorite genre

Goal : to make better basses and take a more funky approach to electro.
Don't worry guys this isn't AT.
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0 -
0 refav
0 The stereo spread.
0 This dude really made everyone believe this was made in another DAW 💀. Back then snapshots didn't even exist. 😭🙏
0 Reminds me of NCS and an 8-bit happy day :)
1 2014 songs best
0 Its scary to think that one could be so musically inclined as to produce such sound.
0 this is good
0 🎧🎶🥰
0 So classic omg love it.
0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddz<ddddddddddddddddddddddddd
0 so classic haha
0 what a classic, gives me such fat nostalgia
0 so good
3 this track is timeless