Ok this song is epic

How did I do this omfg

Sexy ;-;

Please spread this so I can get some followers and my fan base can grow!

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  • Take @NEW ACCOUNT @fli for an example. He doesn't get as much fav's and follows as he deserves, but LUXIOR follows him and tells him his music is good.

    Great song, keep it up :)

  • Dude, don't worry about charts and favs. They're so overrated. Just having the appreciation and feedback should be enough. I've had three different accounts (two deleted ;-;) and on one of the deleted ones, I only had around 90 followers, but My music was appreciated by aBstracT, rnzr, etc.

    I'm sure if you politely ask some people they'd definitely check you out, even big time people.

  • I can't open remixes due to an audiotool glitch :/ sorry

  • Can you give me permission to remix this? i sooo wanna remix it

  • My goal is to get a song to hit the charts

  • I need a bigger fan base ;-;

  • I'll take that as a good thing xD haha

  • woah

  • Thanks haha #underrated #underappreciated XD

  • ...Dooooood... Dope af

  • Oh haha nice