I'm brand new to this website but I must say that your work is beautiful! I really like how you mixed the snares in with such a soft fairy tale vibe! It sounds really nice and I would totally vibe to this.
idfk whats up with your reese basses, but they always sound off key
this is also very empty, and its really not a vibe to much, i think the sample fucks with the idea of the track, i would reverse the sample, see if that does anything. tho, you are very clever with your sound design, this reese is very nicely mixed, and very nicely made.
I appreciate the crit, the reese sounds on key with the sample in my opinion, can you explain exactly how the track sounds empty? I can't really pinpoint what you mean by that
people have different styles of wave, some songs have alot of reverb while others don't. It's all about taste to be honest, to say this "doesn't really have a vibe" is somewhat farfetched in my opinion.