
day 2: trying to explore the good side of life, rather than focusing on troubles. keeping the super-emotional teenager side of me with me forever but not letting it get in the way of life...using it when needed, to fuel my creativity. practicing the piano while chewing gum, playing Prokofiev Sonata No. 3....swallowed gum.. ;)

enjoy! :)

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  • Amazing!

  • Awesome ! :D I fell in love with those sounds :)

  • haha thank you! :)

  • Daaaaaamn those fast drums over the slow tempo are awesome dude, its kinda like ambient hip hop kinda! ;D

  • im only like 40 seconds in and im alrdy in love with this song man! Ur a master @ ambient alrdy!!! <3

  • Beautiful pad in here. Great composition!

  • haha thank you! :)

  • everyone likes amoeba! n_n

  • sick chord progression, lovely use of those add9 and maj6ths