Very exciting beginning (and 303 because it's present during the whole track)! :) And just like Moon Water it reminds me of some kind of crazy happy African tune and makes me super happy! :D The drop at 3:20 is also incredibly exciting. Again, well done! :)

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0 Thanks, ssagg, DjSem and Comatoast. Tell your friends. I'm following you now.
0 nice track.
0 Love the 303 work here
0 I think also that you deserve more followers
0 Nice
0 Thanks Jambam. I have these things and I will use them.
0 very good song :)
0 Secret to getting followers - Be really annoying and have a messed up sense of humour!
0 HOLY SHI- how do you not have more followers!
0 Thanks, Solace. Go ahead and listen to some of my other new stuff while here. now,
0 WOW you deserve way more followers
0 Thanks. I love the idea of vocal samples as a rhythmic addition.
0 Nice and happy/funny! :) Good 303 work too!
0 :) !