Rules: Do whatever you want. Plz don't just change the melody and drums or some shit like that(unless it fuckin blows my mind).
Due Date issssssss uuuuuum November....20th....yeh...sure.If that sound bad i'll extend this cuz im new to this shit.
All and all just have fun. And I actually mean that! I had ALOT of fun making this since I RARELY make anything of this nature. All I ask is that you enjoy doing this as much as I did. Maybe more. Maybe less. Don't sweat who enters (if anyone enters lel) and just chillax.
Prizes: Heres an issue I had. It wouldn't exactly make someone's day collabing with me like some people who host these things but I mean sure. Then a thought occured to me that there have been many comps without that shit and we should stop being spoiled brats about. Then I took my medicine for the day. BUT one thing I know will happen is that the best entries will be put on an EP or album. Thats all I can do really.
Anyway good luck. Whatever. Ur pretty cul...Maybe...
@Distorted Vortex
If I gave it a drop or whatever than that would be in every remix and it's fine without it so I haven't made one so you can make your own if you even include drop or anything in yours