I couldn't have finished this song without Coeur! He is so tallented and really brought the track together as a whole! Drop snippets were programmed in NI Massive and put togther in Ableton Live 9 Suite. The rest is audiotool! I feel like this is overall one of my best tracks! I would make this track over 1000 times if I could. This is going to be a bonus single on the EP being released on November 31st. I wish Coeur the best of luck in hia music, and hope he does great! ~El Docturio

I think it's every ATer's dream to work with basses made in massive. I just wanna thank El Docturio for supporting me and letting me help him with this collab. I learned how to make a lot of cool new sounds in this and I'll definitely apply them in my later stuff. ~Coeur

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  • as I listened to this I put my orange squash in the sink and made my self a cup of water.

  • this sets my ass on fire everytime :OOOOOOOOOOOOO


  • Its a 80th song celebration

  • @uli There are plenty of monster bass samples out there. It's a commonly used bass. Mine was authentic!

  • @uli I can link the video if you want. It was actually made in NI Massive

  • k for some crit. The drop is empty af add white noise or a sub bass or something. The chiptune lead thing is kinda screechy it hurts my ears. Process the drums they weak as hell.

  • omg linked it was made in ableton

  • The 5 seconds of Reggae guitar and I faved :P

  • i like the track, and there's nothing at all wrong with sampling when you edit the samples, all i'm saying is that i heard a sample similar toi this one on looperman

  • It's not presets lol. It's all stuff made in teh abletonz

  • Naw, but he used a tutorial to figure out how to make a different sound, gave up, and blasted it with effects.

  • No lol he made that in ableton

  • i heard that sample on looperman

  • wait isn't the second drop a skrillex stem?