Made with glorious accidents and the usual Qua-Z strangeness.


Dear Dreamhackers,

Just letting dreamhack people know, I know this is a remix of a sample. However, I cut up the sample/rearranged it to hell and back, and added the qua-z funkiness. Then again, I bow to you and your demands. So I'm cool if this doesn't count.


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  • The culmination of the track at 01:35 is very fitting and the rassel fx throughout are refreshing

    • you can have all the prizes if you win

    • Got confused with prizes. If I manage to win Ill give you the headphones and the Landr. I just want the microfreak.

    • Thanks!

  • Republished

    Got creative.

  • Nice one dude! :~)

  • Cool rmx !