hi everyone i hope you like this track all of the drums and the bass was made by me i hope you like this track it took me a long time to make it took me some hours to make trying to get everything right i hope this gets popular that would be cool anyway when i made this track i was thinking must dubstep is straight by that i mean it has no shuffle its just a very loud bass and drums so i made this one differ from must dubstep cause must dubstep theres no shuffle at all it has a build up bass but theres little thing they forget to put in it like beeps little beeps percs just noise that makes dubstep how it is so i hope you like this and if you like what you hear fav follow me and write comments on my tracks be honest ok thanks bye
Thanks everyone thank you for haveing time to tell how this sounds and stuff thank you for being honest everyone and for your consideration i hope i spelled that right but thanks everyone
Interesting sounds here, Infyuthsion sums it up nicely, it could do with being a little warmer with maybe some fattening up of the main wobbles. Just to let you know as well having read the description, dub-step (at least proper dub-step) is all about the shuffle as it's a combination of reggae dub and 2-step garage. I like the part at
when there's a bit more of a melody. :) Good job.
It's not bad. Though it could use a little warmer bass. I like to layer a pulverisateur underneath my heisenbergs usually with a low note doing the same pattern.