These tracks I used are sick! :) Thanks to all whom they belong! :D The horns are optional in my compilation. If you want them, just remix my tack and select it! ;)

*cover photo taken from google :)*

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  • haha yeah..for me it's just one of those things where I want to have an actual picture in the cover space :) Oh that is an interesting genre. I shall be thinking of a chill movie. :)

  • Dude, the both of you commenting on my tracks and liking them makes me happy. I will definitely keep making sick music. Btw, you 2 together make greatttt stuff Always look forward to the both of you.

    THANKS for liking my music Jeff, and sweattz, HAHA that is awesome!! Now that you mention that, it would! :) That gives me an idea to do a track just for that purpose! Give me a genre and I'll get on it. :)

  • sorry for the pause at the end lol