crooklyn is a great movie lol

After seeing / hearing Durazzo's set on youtube I wanted to try a remake of a beat he did. This is the end product of that remake. Tell me what you think and "Welcome To Crooklyn"
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0 BeastCoast at its Finest
0 I like the gives it this mello feel to it ya know.
0 Yo, definitely feelin it but I think the drums could be just a tad bit harder. Feel me?
0 Nice one again as always man!!! :D
0 You're too awesome!
0 man! this is so dope! one of my favorite sample beats ;)
0 Thanks broski :P
0 Just finished watching Champloo (really good anime)! Great Bump too!
0 Lol thanks guys one day I want see my stuff on an anime one day XD
0 very ill, very chill. bass in my right ear, then treb in my right, hh in the center then they all dance. my brain exploded jelly everywhere.
0 Classic man, well done. It's almost like it belongs in the Samurai Champloo soundtrack.
: ^]