Thank you Vortex333:)

Ο Δίας κλέβει την Ευρώπη .
The financial situation in Europe
isn't better than my track.
Voyager of the XXIst century.
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0 -
0 καλό δρόμο! Αλλά γιατί "Ο Δίας κλέβει την Ευρώπη";
0 good job
0 Thanks.
0 I've already faved this... NICE!! }=)
0 Spasibo.
0 хорошая история
0 Thank you bro.
0 I had some fun with this one ;)
0 Sposibo ,ia rad chto tebe ponravilas.
0 крутая работа
0 Thank you bro.
I am also happy to listen to your stuff.
0 Had to come back to hear this once again. Cover is epic shit!
0 In the pic Zeus steels Europe.
0 Thank you Dustin Ross.