yes indeed you did make drill; especially being a New Yorker myself I hear this a lot.
I only got 2 questions.
1. Do you think you can exceed this?
2. Is this your drill muisc? Is this what people should remember T`e`r`m for?
Alright; So my feedback. Again, find a way to extend the beat. If we talking making full on instrumentals, lets get some new notes in there if you want, or small switch ups.
that 808 for drill I hear a lot, I was never a fan-- but thats subjective. keep cooking.
When you approach drill; are you trying to make drill or your drill?
Thats all I'm asking. It's hard just like everything else, but with how I approach people who want my opinion, is not to make you feel bad, but to make you feel like you can do better. I don't expect it tomorrow, next week or next month. It happens when it happens