if i had a time machine i'd go back to 2014 and just relive those 3 years

Inspired by the incredible @Xavi
I am sick and tired of trying to master this song.
3rd in the EP. Almost done with the last two.
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1 -
1 and some fucking scumbag stole this song and gave it to his record label. 10/10
0 1:15 still perfect <3
0 refave bby
0 Rerererererefav... <3
0 Rererererefav... So fucking gorgeous <3
1 Rererefavvv. Still in my top 10 of the best AT tracks ever.
0 Rerefavv <3
0 Refavvv <3
0 This tune is fxcking amazing.
0 damnit. the track i'm working on sounds like this lol
0 Wow. Seriously. I'm really impressed.
0 Oh fuck. This is pure genius.
0 Refave cause I love this track so much
0 it sounds much like this: (link is only visible to registered users)