Something that im actually proud of.

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  • very nice :))

    Very cinematic, great chords, I like what you tried to do with the percs but I agree they need some refining.

    Sorry for very late feedback, I forget a lot!

  • i agree w/ opaqity about the crash, but i also feel you could really really make the suspense (which you already have) in this pop even more if you put some 100% size reverb on that arpeggio, and decreased the reverb level over time from 100% to like 50% so that you first hear the aura of the harmony of the arp, but as the intensity builds you begin to hear the individual notes with more and more clarity...just a thought though, its not necessary :)

  • Oh well thanks for showing me my new favorite artist, @opaqity lol, and yea you're right the quality of the sounds aren't the greatest. I would of used a piano recording but I can't really set up a recording studio in my room lol, also you're right, the crash is a bit harsh, I just needed some outside critique. I'll probably go back and dial it down a bit. Thanks a lot tho.

  • don't want to compare too much, but the biggest difference between conceptor & this track is the quality of the sounds you're using. needs some refinement in terms of your instruments' tones (synths yea, but particularly percussion because it sticks out a lot here, especially that crash). your composition is good tho, nice arpeggios and good structure.

  • whoa man big spam lmao