Absolutely epicly awsomely great

Enjoy :)
Edit: 30/03/12
-Overlain lead synth ontop of wobble (thanks Uprising, sounds so much better imo)
-In dance section, changed dance beat to drum and bass beat
-Neatened up the second drop
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0 -
0 good beat
0 SWEETtune.
0 also lol at potastics comment...sik track man....how is it u only have 60 followers? dam this is amazing
0 Very Good i like it :D
0 thanks dry ice & fire :P
0 lmao @ Potastic :3
0 <3 <3 <3 OMG!! <3
0 thanks ;)
0 Its like Heaven and Hell had a baby. Great job :)
0 thanks doctor ;)
0 This sounds GReat. Good combo with the happy notes and the Dark DubStep mixture, This track is pretty original. I like It. Ya Done Good.
0 thanks ntjon, codex and DJSIMPLEX really appreciate the positive feedback :D
0 I like how people comment on your track twice. comment on your track twice
0 wow i believe this is your best track yet!!! awesome dude keep up the good work man love the melody this track just kinda gave me an idea :) if i follow through with it ill def let you know :) and idk if you have checked out my latest track but i got one up its about a week old now its called kill crazy you may have listened already idk