This is probably the most effort I have ever put into a singe remix. I've been working on this the day @Infyuthsion published it. I really like this remix of mine. I might have a slight chance of winning, but just by saying that, @cripta or @kiari or @Uprising are going to remix it and create a piece of art that blows this out of the water. Eh, let the best artist win :)

Okay, so credits to @Zone for the bass :)

I really hope you guys enjoy it, and I REALLY hope @Infyuthsion enjoys it :)

Love, Artemix <3

Edit: Timestretched Vocals, not sure if it helped

Edit: Soprano and Harmony synths

Edit: Volume


Edit: Took out those detuned vocals


Edit: Intro

Edit: EQing and Compression

Edit: Turned down volume (Probably Last Edit)

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  • I Love this rendering of the song more than all the other remixes and the original

  • Awesime Dude :D

  • Nice

  • Amazing remix. I like what you did with it!

  • Eh I didn't win, whatever :)

  • I just listened to 4 great remixes on comp friend in a row. the comp is not heating up, its on fire!

    (and my comment is #77 my fav number)

  • cripta gets a drumsample ;-)nice remix!!!!

  • ahahaha yes i want credits for my sponsorship (just kidding... better to specify)

  • Wow, since Cripta commented and faved, a lot of people are now coming to this :)

  • Thanks guys! :DD

  • WOW! lot of edits. I wish the vocals were here or else its realy not a remix. stilll sounds pretty cool and happy! nice synth work here!

  • great, great, this is like the positive happy version of ich und mein computer! really like it :)

  • this actually reminds me a little of sadface, lol

  • Yah man :)

  • k man. think i should keep the old name?