humm there is something good but idk realy if other will i just sing some word that sond well i need too found some good words to sing but that is hard not realy my branch if you understand my grammar :) you probably know what i mean :) hehe dang i am thw worst

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  • I like your voice. You should experiment with it more!

  • Very interesting, indeed.

  • sounds great..

  • Spychodelic!

  • floating whit the clouds ? where the clouds surrounds me ..... and they ehco is just that loop cut sond like (going to the sky) you are right it' nothing :)

  • nice cyclic work brother. vocals hold interest even when not wholly comprehensible. i like this; will you put the words of the samples in a comment? :)

  • like the voice and the experiment, good

  • Good climat.

  • good voice man you can sing fine :D - i would expand this - i would remix but you locked it up :(

  • grazie ,mi prenderò una pausa ,duro lavoro,Ho perso le parole.....tornando più tardi :)

  • Bella 友人に Cupidon...................... :-)