Wow! Amazing sound design!

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0 Danke, mein Lieber
0 hab ich noch garnicht erwähnt...das ding hier ist ein meisterwerk in meinen augen. dreamy like hell! ;)
0 Forgot to fave.... :(
0 Thanks Chaps :)
0 brilliant track!
0 Love the distorted tom sounds. that break synth is amazing. So much goodness in this track! Your pics are getting more incredible with each new one.
0 Roobarb is right about the Snake movies! Haha! :)
0 Thanks a lot mate :)
0 Love this atmosphere ! Pro work ! :)
0 Republished
wrong sample fixes
0 I must confess I never watchen the Snake movies. Don't know why cause usually that is my kind of stuff. Thank you very much mate
0 Don't know why but every time i hear a track from you in this style snake pliskin always jump to mind ;D
That reference seems to pop up quite a lot on this site lol Excellent work,,,supercool track sandy m8...!!!
People always seem to think i'm dead haha
0 yes exactly! Thanks Mike
1 Save the Bees, and the Cs and C#s! good sounds, like it man :) down with neonicotinoids!