This song is dedicated to Alan Turing who was mathematician and computer scientist. He was highly influential in the development of computer science. His work as a code breaker saved countless lives.
Like many great scientists he has a Heisenberg waveform named after him.
Turing was prosecuted for being gay in 1952 and committed suicide in 1954, 16 days before his 42 birthday. On 23 December 2013 he was pardoned by the Governement.
yeh, it disgusts me! There's no doubt that the values of that time were bible based, there was no crime. What I'm saying is, I blame those values for his and the others deaths which from that position I view as indirect murder by society, or perhaps 'manslaughter' might be slightly more accurate! There are so many examples over the centuries of great minds and work being hindered by the retarded bigotry of religious authority.;)! ...( I'll shut up now, this is no place for this sort of stuff, eheh:)
get you! Suicide or murder? We will probably never know but either way his death was the result of an injustice. Shame its taken along time to put that right but that still leaves 50,000 others who were prosecuted for the same 'crime'!
Fab stuff, N1m8:)!.... And if you ask me, I think he was murdered by proxy, by the intolerance of religious moral dogma entrenched in the culture and law of the time and of centuries past. Keep religious bollocks out of society and especially out of law making, let common sense be the only rule maker!....Ooof, well fuck me purple, I went off on one there, I do apologise, eheh:)!