Hello my fellow audiotoolers, so how we doing today? Me well not a lot of things have been happening lately So I decided to whip up a remix contest for you guys.

first let me lay down the rules,


Add more sytnths to take the track to a new direction:)

Make some nice beats to it.

Genres allowed include the following:

Electronic, House, Ttance, Techno, Chillout. Acid (Don't go to hardcore with acid though:) ).


Please do not change the tempo unless if it is absolutely necessary to fit you style.

Do not allow your beats to over lap with you synths.

Finally the only genre I will prohibit in this remix contest is Dubstep (Especially Filthy dubsteps) However if you can make you dubstep version really well then I can make an exception.

As for the winners for this remix contest there can be one winner for each genre as mentioned above in the description. (Btw even dubstep can be an exception if its really good remember Do not make ur dubstep filthy)

As for the prize (:D) Lets just say that this remix is more of a competition then a prize winning stake out and who knows if your remixes are really that good I may even have to ask the audiotool staff to make your tracks, featured and make it trending as well:)

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  • Good luck everyone and remember watch your tempo, drums and dubsteps:)