I'm extremely proud of it. I worked for a solid 9 hours straight on it yesterday (I was sick and I couldn't go to school).
It feels good to be back on here. So many people are making AMAZING music with Next, and think that's awesome.
I will try to publish some more on here because I know it's been a while.
And hey, thanks for listening!
This was a very old song I published about year ago, and it was really crappy. I listened to it a few times, and fell in love with the chord progression, so I turned it into this. I'm also really proud of the square lead in second and third drops. Okay that's enough babble!
i don't think compression gives leads power... they already have a lower dynamic range. i haven't listened, but maybe the lead has too much muddy frequencies like 200Hz and 2kHz?
Sound design needs a lot of work. Voices are far too raw. I love the ideas though. Your overall mixing of the mid and low bands could use some compression. For this style, make the kick and snare far more sidechained with a really hot sidechain. With less attack and a synced release (maybe to 32nd or 64th notes), you get the classic DnB sound where the chords and lead arc around, arps following the chord progression up top, and that snare and kick punching through clearly. Nice work.