haha. ok I got it. Sorry if I came off as impatient or patronizing. It's just that I saw in the description that you fixed the clipping... but it was still there.
lol I only saved the draft..I didn't republish it yet you are seeing the same thing from the last publish.. I am fully aware of what the limiter does and how it works. Thank you for your concern with my song and the advice :)
I don't think you quite got what I was saying. The limiter on/off switch is still off, so the distortion is still there. The all you have to do is slide the little knob above the dB meters to the right. Currently it's still to the left meaning that it's turned off. Trust me. It will make a difference
Hey man. I just figured out the crackle. You have the limiter turned off, allowing for the output to exceed 0db, which is the max, hence the distortion