Well my first draft got deleted -.- i didnt save so its my fault.... I had to re-do it but i know its not the same as my other but w.e My entry for the contest.

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  • Why you change your name? :(

  • Naw i didnt use Firefox I used another Browser xD it deletes the Tab if you double press on it i so i did that ._. Not My Intention.

  • I knew firefox was the problem! Ive been trying to save my songs for ever and ive lost tonnes of my precious mixes :(

    But now I've got chrome and I can finally publish a song! Btw, this mix is pretty, good it's gonna be tough to beat

  • THanks alot GUys! :) Its Not What I really had on the FIrst Draft But its Somewhat like it i guess? haha THanks alot epic THough theres ganna be Alot of Others :T I dont think i have a Chance.

  • Winner!

  • Great remix, I like it! :)

  • You remix is awesonme :D

  • Awesome remix ! :)

  • Very nice! :D I like the use of the Tonematrix.

    Let me guess... You use Firefox? ;O Same thing happened to me on a collab account. Chrome is the best AT performance, at least for me.

  • No problem Notoz!

  • Thanks alot Almate! :)

  • Nice remix!