Changed pulvs, added percussion, changed ending. Also since the holiday season is about giving (I avoid saying Christmas because secularising reiligious holidays is offensive in my view towards the religion they come from), I realized that Audiotool is about the same thing. Giving the gift of music to people. (also as a side note this obviously is my contest entry)

Edit 1: End time

Edit 2: A lot.

Edit 3: Glide

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  • soory for the negative comment man.

    but i think its ridicoules that nobody could comment negatively at someone else its song.

    when i see an negative comment on one of my songs i get happyer because i know someone listened with a lot of attention at it.

    but still i like your edits.

    so again sorry grtz DJjoa

  • zovamix, look at my comment on DJjoa's remix

  • i woudnt have so much change in it

  • Nice!!!! :)

  • Republished


  • zovaMIX :) Niiiiiiiiiceee :) I like it :) Try and add drums and it could be a winner :)