Yeah, so I've been waiting to throw something at Audiotool..With Whole lote of funk, and filter house.

This is EQ'd the best way I could..I was tired of not hearing all my sounds on my tracks..So here.

Sample -Chic.

French house bandit!

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  • Thanks dudes. Keep pushing this.

  • i like it

  • nice :)

  • c:<

  • I love this track so much, even if I say so myself.

  • Cool track.

  • Muy bien amigo :)

  • Thanks man!

  • Great job,Chic le Freak

  • <3

  • Orignal, love it !

  • Nice glitchy lead BRO!

  • Now, if I can just find a better drum set, Which I'm getting better at now., The intro is so beast.. I hate that it takes headphones to hear this...

    1. Have headphone in jack semi

    2. Have one head on ear.

    3.Have in mind that all people will not dig your music.

    4.All music waves are faster or slower than another person's taste in music.

  • Thanks guys..