Some effects can be used in order to fix the clipping but still keep the sound level, like Compression, which gives a limit to the maximum level but can also boost the lower sound. Reverb, Slope, Parametric EQ, Graphical EQ, these can help in the finalizing a track...the rest however is a technical jamble of terms, audio science, theory and other such things that 250 characters of text wont let me explain want everything leveled you each element can be heard clearly without having to strain or wonder what is what. Thats where clipping starts to go away, in fixing the volume levels, the clipping is removed as clipping is simply and indication that the channel sound is too loud and will distort.
You do the mixing after completing a song, before publishing (thats just a personal opinion, you can mix whenever you wish) In mixing, you use the volume faders or knobs to bring all parts of your song in balance i.e. the kick is not stronger than the bass or snare, and these are not stronger than the pad...
checked it out of curiosity, and there is, indeed, clipping...though the Limiter reduces it somewhat. Mostly the kick stealing room, and one of the audiotrack devices also clipped...thats about it.
In what way? I dont have the best audio setup, just a few headphones, and i use the earbud ones most when i listen MIGHT be buds or just that i hear some slight distortion...