Nice tune! Very catchy, can't stop listening :)

I decided why not change the style a little bit. So heres a house style song with a mix of techno. Voice credits to ORH▲N with his brilliant vox work. Be sure to check him out and give him some love. @ORH▲N Instrumental version will be here soon. Also give this dude some attention for his vox work in the beginning and end of the song. @Intracktion
You gave me the key
I gave you my life
To tear down the walls she built inside
It goes right by us
My minds got me broken
These chains control my sight
Til the final out, til I lose my pout
I'm standing in life
I'm standing in life (Second time only in first verse)
She's gone.
Time to move on.
Life is passing you by.
Close your eyes.
Say goodnight.
It's time to say goodbye.
To you.
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