Tried something that would stick to the eighties sound, having on my mind all of the great references these years gave us.

Hope I succeeded and you enjoy

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  • nice!!:~)

  • Very,very nice. I like the flow of this track.

  • tks Ole ^^

  • cool one sharky

  • Republished

    was too long....

  • Republished


  • Republished

    still a few adaptations

  • Hey thank you so much guys !!^^

    @[Khář¡]' glad you ear the small changes I made along the track ^^

    @SKULL KID you really made my day and the We to come :) tks buddy

  • I love the percussion in this. (I'm a percussionist in my school band so I here all the small stuff when it comes to beats)

  • That intro.. That sweet bass synth... That note work.... this is a Gem for sure friend!! <3

  • niiiiice man !

  • Merci @Dzool ^^

    @Snadbrugen I'm not sure how to interpret your comment ("arty" and "horror movie circus" sound a bit negative too me), I will keep the Terry Gilliam reference ^^ (even if that's not his best movie to my mind).

    Thanks anyway sandy :)

  • or dr parnassus by terry gilliam

  • sounds pretty arty. the middle part reminds me in some kind of a horrormovie circus setting.

  • genial mec!